
I think I’m continuing my books now-


you probably don't remember me but it's "Camilla" and I'm wondering if I could get your twt 


@jinntendo yeah I was apart of army amino and thanks ! 


  Ah no I remember you I think-
            You were a part of the army amino server right?
            Sorry if I'm wrong I'm bad with memory lolol-
            Anyways my twitter is @only_3_racha and if you have instagram mines is @sweet.1.one


Just wanted to let you know I’m continuing the incorrect quote book but the reactions and images will be delayed till summer so I have content to post-
          Sksksks and again if y’all have suggestions or requests feel free to ask them~ ❤️ 


hey!! im really sorry but ill most probably be deleting this account!!! i do still have an acc @pcwerpuffg and ill mainly use the acc to read, however i really want to remake a version of my book 'hidden'. im just informing you have a nice day


Alright thanks for telling me
            I followed the new account and I look forward to a remake of hidden and possibly even a new book (idk but I hope).
            Since you were posting books I even posted 2 books of my own while you weren't active!
            Anyways I hope that exams go well ❤️ 