
Never forget I love you chapter 14 is up! 


So Hannah and Jay are right now not in the best of shape... They will be better I promise just trust the process with me. this current Chapter I am working on is hard. I wanted to delevelop them this way. The end result is going to be so worth all of this. It will Help Hannah and Jay ultimately in the end. I have never done this with my main characters put them together and break them up like this. It is gonna be a while too if Hannah and Jay decide to get back together. ..... You think I am gonna give you all the secrets? Never forget I love you Chapter 13 is up be kind and be hopeful things will be alreight for Adam and Jay and Hannah. Right now things suck for al three of them. 


just a little something from chapter ten of Never forget I love you Jay: I wanted to wait for the right time to do this and honestly there is no time like now so before you get all excited no this is NOT a proposal. Hannah: * bites her lip* HUH? ... want to know what it is? gonna have to read the fic to find out ....