
Hi Friends!
          	Here are my accounts where you can either contact me or read my new works!
          	AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/users/SweeetDreamz/works
          	Tumblr: https://www.tumblr.com/blog/sweeet-dreamz
          	If you would like to request a oneshot, you can private msg me on Tumblr. :)
          	Thank you all for the continuous support!


Hi Friends!
          It's been awhile.. I've recently decided to post some of my old works onto a new platform! The old works need some major editing (LOL), but I'll do that in time.
          I also want to start writing fanfiction again!! 
          If you guys are interested in reading my work, then please check out my profile on Archive Of Our Own (AO3) @SweeetDreamz.
          I'm not super into the new Wattpad layout, and I've also never been a fan of the fact that editing a story changes the publishing date. In my opinion it makes it difficult to know when a story was originally started/published.
          Also, side note- I won't be deleting anything on here, but I will NOT be updating on Wattpad. If there's a specific story of mine you'd like to see updated, then please comment on my AO3 account! 
          Hope to see you guys on the other side of the interwebs! 


I've got some bad news!! My computer is currently broken, and all of my chapters are on it!! I'm taking it in to the computer shop tomorrow, so hopefully it can be fixed, or at least the files can be recovered!
          Wish me luck!


@Tenna_Birdsong_Tales I hope so too! There's a lot of other important files on the computer that I won't be able to replace, so hopefully everything works out!


            Hope it can be fixed!


I've unpublished "My Green Guardian Angel... I Mean Ninja," because I want to re write it! When I first started it, I didn't even have a plot! I was just writing without any direction whatsoever! I know it can be a good story with a little direction, so I want to take the chance to make it something wonderful! Thank you to everyone who has read/voted for it! I'm going to be making some big changes, so once I re publish it, then I'd highly recommend re reading it!
          Thank you!