
I have self-published both Queen of the Barbershop and Obsessed onto Amazon! Here are the links if you want to buy them. 
          	Queen of the Barbershop: https://www.amazon.com/Queen-Barbershop-BWWM-Shania-Swafford/dp/B08PJM35YT/ref=tmm_pap_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=1621914815&sr=8-1
          	Obsessed: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08SGZL9RD#SalesRank


Hello everyone, 
          I have started a new book titled Strange Link and it is about a trio of friends named Ophelia, Charlotte and Chad. who find out about a murder happening on their college campus. Ophelia is blamed for the murder so now, the trio have to find the real killer in order to keep Ophelia safe. 
          What will happen when the plot thickens in a way that no one expected? Who will survive and who will die? 
          Current status of Strange Link: Chapter 2 is live and Chapter 3 is almost completed in my draft. Please leave comments on how you've enjoying the story so far.


          Warning: I will remove my stories except for the ones that are complete and one other story. I do not see myself completing any of the stories that need to be completed. I may put them back up, but I do know that I want to start fresh with writing short stories. 
          I'm sorry to the people that enjoy my stories, but I'm going to start fresh and I will see about my stories.


Hey, I'd love it if you'd check out my book! https://www.wattpad.com/556784873-lies-secrets-l-s~1 That's the link to the first chapter, I would appreciate feed back, from commending to criticism, I'm all ears. Somehow if you don't have anything to say make it known to make you had a look. Share to others if you enjoyed, put your viewers onto something new! As always votes and comments are appreciated! https://www.wattpad.com/story/144074479-lies-secrets ~ Miriam x