
Being a full time nurse now is a pain (>_<) (>_<) (>_<) and I'm coming back from the Philippines bye now UK I have enjoyed my time of my internship


@Suzune747  ito nga hahahah 


Ok so I we went on a con today and I was cosplaying Mikey from Tokyo revenge with my other friends and this one girl keeps trying to hold my hand.... =^._.^= ∫ like sis if you wanna take a pic just say it I ain't asking for money. Just don't hold me without my permission ヽ(`д´;)/ヽ(`д´;)/ヽ(`д´;)/ and saying "I love you" Over and over again


Tomorrow is valentines day and it hopeless for me I'm forever alone.. If you count as a body pillow with Baji's picture in it as a date then yes... That's my date tomorrow cas the body pillow just got delivered in my house  (/ω\)(/ω\)(/ω\)(/ω\)


Ok I think wattpad took my message cas I literally spam them about how they made the limit of offline story last time it's 2 now it's 25 hehe hehehe thanks I guess (☞͡͡°͜ʖ͡͡°)☞ (☞͡͡°͜ʖ͡͡°)☞