
Random Rant, but I am tired of people just putting "reader" in the title of Xreaders. They don't specify that it's a girl, usually, until you stumble across the pronouns. 
          	Obviously, I can't complain too much because Xreaders are more of a fem dominated fan fiction medium. Just putting 'Reader' implies in my brain that the reader will be gender neutral, though.


Random Rant, but I am tired of people just putting "reader" in the title of Xreaders. They don't specify that it's a girl, usually, until you stumble across the pronouns. 
          Obviously, I can't complain too much because Xreaders are more of a fem dominated fan fiction medium. Just putting 'Reader' implies in my brain that the reader will be gender neutral, though.


Do you publish on Neobook ?


Ah, I see. No I don't, and I don't think I plan to. Thanks for asking though. :) 


@vefanhrinint3z850 No, I'm not sure what Neobook is. I'll look into it!