
Hey guys! Sorry I haven't been doing much. I've been busy with work from all sorts of places, but good news! If you are looking something to read, I have been busy with a sort of side project in Google Docs in the lines of Tales from Roleplay, called Crime Syndicate. 
          	It's a direct transcript of the roleplay back in March that inspired Crimson Irises. Check it out, I'm updating it daily!


Hey guys! Sorry I haven't been doing much. I've been busy with work from all sorts of places, but good news! If you are looking something to read, I have been busy with a sort of side project in Google Docs in the lines of Tales from Roleplay, called Crime Syndicate. 

          It's a direct transcript of the roleplay back in March that inspired Crimson Irises. Check it out, I'm updating it daily!


Thank you for commenting on Writer's Sense. It means a lot! So much that I followed you!! 
          Lots of love!! <3


Haha ok!!! <3


@Listy3 You're welcome! :) I didn't join YWC for nothing!


Hey peeps. Do me a favor. Below what I'm typing right now, tell me if you want me to finally finish typing out Ro-Rap Revolution, continue posting parts of The Galahads' Girl, or just do nothing at all. I've been working with @iiVanquish on new things down on @FlamesAndFrostbyte, so feel free to check that out as well. Tell me! Now!


@SuspiciousMafioso I'd continue with The Galahads' Girl. :p


Hey guys! I'm happy to report that I had a brilliant idea for a new story, or collection of them. It's called Tales From Roleplay...obviously based on roleplays I had on various servers. I have a sixty page draft to edit after I finish Another Detective Story. 
          Onto the sad news (for some of you). I deleted Play Dates, because my mind was dead as a doornail. BUT I did salvage The Companion from there, because it was based on a roleplay I had. 
          For all of you who don't know what I mean by roleplay: there are certain games that involve characters the player makes up and how they interact with one another in their environment. I call those roleplays. I have had quite some epic ones.
          Anyways, I'll be updating that frequently. 
          Shoutout to @Strangenesses for finally getting an epic Part Nine out on Silenced!


@Strangenesses  Why thank you. :) I'm updating it mostly every day. And consider this: the next 60-page-long draft I'll be editing was written OVER A YEAR AGO! I dated that I started it on 4/3/15 and ended it on 4/27/15!


Which I am! It's amazing! :D


@Strangenesses  You're welcome. :) And you're also welcome to read it if you want.


Apologies, I think Part Eight of Ro-Rap Revolution might be a little late. Wattpad'll be on hold a little bit for a few days. Something is happening involving me and Ro-Rap, the inspiration for that trilogy, that could quite literally alter the end of the trilogy.