
*Finally* updated Mating Season.


You know, you're not going to reach the amount of reads you want if you don't update, you'll even loose fans of the book, and then when people see when the book was last updated their gonna not read it, since it was updated so long ago, update your book, and the you'll reach the number your going for, you haven't updated any of your books in a long time, and that's not gonna earn you reads, your slacking, so try to update and make your fans happy, I'm not trying to be rude, but what your doing isn't right, it's selfish, in. My books I don't ask for a certain amount of reads, or stuff, not saying that you have to do the same, but 1 million is a lot, and not all books are popular, your luck a lot of people read your book, you have over 8 thousand reads, when will it be enough, that's being GREEDY, sorry, I'm not trying to be rude, but it is