
Obsessed with Michael Jackson's Beat It!


They were? Did he put a smile on your face? And make you dance? I dance by myself at home :)


Hey Paris, it's Penelope, um...So....., I just wanted to tell y'all  that I love Michael Jackson... So..yeah,,,,,,
          (^.^) <.> *.* Penelope Day ('_')


@QueenoftheOutlaws1 im not a fan of mj bitch


@QueenoftheOutlaws1 uhh no ur imposing me bitch


          •You know Michael's longtime friend? Dave Dave? Well he was talking on LKL and CNN. He was telling about his friendship with Michael. As you might've noticed, Dave Dave usually has bright blue eyes, but on the talk show, he had Michael's brown eyes. The way he moved his head and opened his eyes was exactly as Michael does... And what else? The way he talks. If you look up on YT "Real Dave Dave voice", you'll see it is really way different than the one on the talk show. So that leaves you thinking, who was that on the talk show? Simply Michael Jackson. That "Dave Dave" says that he met Michael and they went to Neverland. This is impossible. Michael bought Neverland in 1988 while Dave Dave and Michael met in 1988. How is that possible? He messed up...
          •The ambulance Michael was in had tinted windows yet they still got a shot of Michael. How? The ambulance also backs out without the sirens on? How is that possible?! And they even wait for the tour bus to go first. How dumb is that? That's impossible!!
          •The reporters report that Michael's face was caved in and the bridge of his nose was distorted and he had a peach fuzz on his head. In the picture Michael had a perfectly normal face, normal hair and a normal nose piece/bridge... Weird. And they also said he had fractured ribs from the CPR...yet Michael still has his eye make up on and wig intact...? Michael's skin in the photo is also white as normal... Shouldn't it be blue from lack of oxygen? Yet it's a normal color as it always is?