
You have great book ideas so if your ideas become a chapter just tag me. 


Yup thx i saw ur ideas on a book and they are really cool-


@I_Wanna_Yeet_Me If your talking about me writing a book then it probably won't happen cause I'm terrible at writing, but i believe there's a chapter in one of RyDyKy's books thats called Happy Sunn's 4 if you want to check that out i can tag u in it


Hey so like your comment on my story was reported offensive somehow so I can’t reply but like I shall get to it soon and might actually write it now, I like your idea!


@KayBeeKrowns  Oh ok cool, when I sent that it was very late for me too, I so happy that you actually chose my prompt. Again, I can't that you enough for writing this.


@HappySunn12212 No problem, I enjoy writing! I will have to write it tomorrow/today as it is very late for me and I’m a bit tired, but I already have countless ideas based on your prompt and I’m excited to start writing when I’m awake and actually able to! (Autocorrect is my best friend writing this message lol)


@KayBeeKrowns OMG, I actually didn't think you'd see it! Um, Ok well, um Thank you so much. I absolutely love your writing and I can't wait to read it! Again, Thank you soo much.