
Hey, guys. I just want to point out that I have a new book in the works. I'm not ditching my other books, so don't worry. I've noticed the votes, thank you. So, here's the thing, it kind of shows a bit of myself on how I think with certain topics that catch my interest, not all of them good. Some of them being pretty depressing and some being theories that I've constantly thought about. Basically, my thoughts on how I see things, like no one else could see. I may even share my life in this book while doing so. I don't know... But, I think it would help me better explain why I've been on writer's block, lately. That's all I want to address, for now. Love ya, guys and have an awesome day! 


Hey, guys. I just want to point out that I have a new book in the works. I'm not ditching my other books, so don't worry. I've noticed the votes, thank you. So, here's the thing, it kind of shows a bit of myself on how I think with certain topics that catch my interest, not all of them good. Some of them being pretty depressing and some being theories that I've constantly thought about. Basically, my thoughts on how I see things, like no one else could see. I may even share my life in this book while doing so. I don't know... But, I think it would help me better explain why I've been on writer's block, lately. That's all I want to address, for now. Love ya, guys and have an awesome day!