
Random thoughts with Sunflower!
          	Children, right? Yeah so I feel as though my age regression stuff legit works in my favor for more reasons than one.
          	Why? Well I understand the mind of a child. I work with kids LOADS like I work with three year olds more than I work with people my age I swear. 
          	Anyway, when I'm put in a room of kids, I don't act like their superior like most of the other people I work with. I play with them. I don't go tell them to play or color, I color with them. I can understand their thought processes, especially when their crying, because I've done that. 
          	Anyway this is super random but just an observation I've made. Anyone else understand what I'm saying? Did this make sense in any way shape or form?


Random thoughts with Sunflower!
          Children, right? Yeah so I feel as though my age regression stuff legit works in my favor for more reasons than one.
          Why? Well I understand the mind of a child. I work with kids LOADS like I work with three year olds more than I work with people my age I swear. 
          Anyway, when I'm put in a room of kids, I don't act like their superior like most of the other people I work with. I play with them. I don't go tell them to play or color, I color with them. I can understand their thought processes, especially when their crying, because I've done that. 
          Anyway this is super random but just an observation I've made. Anyone else understand what I'm saying? Did this make sense in any way shape or form?


Guess who needs help naming a new stuffie????
          It's like... A tiny pinkish red squid
          Name ideas I have (along with little pronunciations):
          Mochi - Motee
          Mimi - meh meh
          Roni (short for macaroni) - wonee
          Melo (melograno is pomegranate in Italian) - mewo 
          Cilie (ciliegia means cherry in Italian) - Ceewee
          Lam (lampone is raspberry in Italian) - Wam
          Any other ideas are welcome as well!
          Pleaaaaaaaase tell me what you think I should name her! Thank you all in advance!


@Daisyyy21F ooooh maybe! I like that name!


@Sunflower-Ghost Happy to help!
            What about the name Ellie?


When you wan ttentions but mumma buuuussyyyy


I'm a theater kid. It's tech week. Means I've heard some weird crap. Such as:
          "Don't mind me while I strip down in the corner" 
          "oh I'm gonna fall from the set. Woo." 
          "You're beating up a cripple!"
          "Oh I love being able to hurt you"
          "Come on [name], it's your turn to pull my hair"
          Mm theatre
          In other news there's this girl in my cast and... Dang she's freaking awesome. So pretty so nice. Anyway none of y'all needed to know that but you get to anyway


Hello little one


@Misterd4ddysir id prefer to learn more about you here first, if that's okay.


What's ur Google chat?


@Misterd4ddysir  pffff I have Google chat... Or we could stay here if that works


POV: You're at your grandparents house and you were fully convinced you weren't going to regress so you left your comfort stuffie at home. Lo and behold, you start to regress at 9:45 because you're tired and you cry before bed because you didn't bring your stuffie but, thankfully, you brought a different stuffie even though it wasn't your comfort stuffie.


@Sunflower-Ghost aww that sucks.. *hugs you*


Hello ^^


@LilPuddin719 Hey, hun! How's everything going?
            Also, what are you looking for in a cg? Like what do you want them to do for you?