
8 Hour book celebration stream has started! Come join the fun


For those reading the BB X Reader Oneshot book I have announced in the 3K Celebration author note, there will be voting it ends this Friday. The votes are for what scene I should request as art. So if you haven't already go vote! 


I'll be honest it feels SO NICE TO PUBLISH again, for a while I've been struggling just making a book that follows a story, like my Sing one yes it's based off of the first movie but, making that one shot book whenever an idea pops up in my mind I just start typing on my laptop or even on my phone even when I'm at WORK! it feels amazing but I will get into making stories again just for now working on this one-shot request book so if you see small spam of me publishing . . well yea lol


If anyone likes Friday Night Funkin I published a new book that's dedicated to BB(Big Brother) it's a one shot book and requests are open, that is all hope those that do read it enjoy or request something
          Happy Reading 


Hi, fam! for those that have DIsney+, I highly recommend watching the new film called Turning Red! it's a very good movie it's on DIsney+ now to watch if you don't want to go to theaters for it, has family moments that hit home for most people that have been there, I give it a solid 10/10  the movie does not require to pay extra to watch before others incase anyone was wondering (unless they messed that up and i managed to watch it before they took notice)


@XMozzyX Ooh I heard of the movie, I have Disney+ and will give it a chance 


To those that are reading my Sing book "Our Theater" wanted to say thank you and that it's amazing that book is still getting reads was bit confused when I got the notification that someone added it to a disney reading list . . . not sure if Sing is disney but glad that person is enjoying the book.
          Some changes to the book the love interest for Buster will be getting a name change, the new name will be Hanabi. 
          And chapter Ten is gonna go under a huge edit song lyric fixes, and editing the story near the end, so read it before chapter Ten goes for a few hours
          Last announcement: I was recently asked if I do story requests (not a one shot) I'm talking about a whole new book, to me this is pretty big so I accepted I'm talking to the person who suggested the request and so far loving their oc for the new book and gonna go along with it.
          For those waiting for the Glamrock Freddy x Reader book it's still being worked on I keep adding stuff to the chapter it's at 2,333 words so far.
          So for the time being gonna be working on the Sing edit, the new Johnny x OC book (the story request) and the FNAF Glamrock Freddy x Reader book
          That is all Happy Reading


So gonna announce for those that have been wondering & waiting for my old books to go back up, I decided to delete some of them, like the When Dreams Become Reality book that was a two lover story between the main character with Loki and her friend that gets with Thor, looking back at that book is a whole MESS so  . ..  just gonna delete it I'm sorry if anyone enjoyed it but yea, and as for Demons with Secrets the Black Butler Book is STILL under heavy editing, it's my first book so taking my time re-writing some chapters before doing the mass-repost, also about my Our Theater Sing book, the last chapter gonna go missing soon need to edit Chapter Ten a bit so read it while you can. That's all Happy reading :)