
I hate Wattpad Ambassador's contests when they made a Contest, and in the end they won't say who won
          	Like!?! What's the Contest for!?
          	So sad for our time, and efforts : (


Does anyone know why there's no March Contests?  Or does anyone know one? I'm bored as Heck 


@PrehistoricCreatures Thanchu! I'm so excited to know who the winners at your contest since i submitted months ago! 
            : D


@StudyBunnies Good question! You may have noticed that around this time, many profiles are no longer associated with the Ambassadors. Including this one. No worries, there will be more soon <3 We're still the same. Just no W's :)


Hola, disculpa por las molestias, pero me puse a leer tu historia Hilos de Almas, que esta interesante por cierto, pero estas aplicando gramática en inglés, al ser un concurso en español debes usar el guíon largo (—) en los diálogos. Por favor, quiero que ganes, pero la historia la pueden descalificar por eso.


@_White_Sunflower_  Gracias! Acabo de aprender español durante 3 meses, así que no estoy tan familiarizado.. 