
Just letting everyone know that I’ve just created a Discord account so if any of you want to continue rping or just keep in touch then my username is straysquirrel_ the same as my account name here x


Hey everyone. Firstly I want to apologise for being so inconsistent with my replies lately. It’s been tough due to personal reasons. I’ve just been stressed and dealing with a lot of mental health issues. 
          Since wattpad is removing the DM feature that probably means that I will be abandoning this account for good. I only came on here briefly to reply to messages but besides that I don’t really use this account at all anymore. I haven’t updated my oneshots book for years and I don’t really read books on here
          So unless wattpad reverse their decision to remove DMs (which I highly doubt they will) I probably won’t be coming back. It’s a shame and I don’t necessarily want to leave but I can’t see myself logging into wattpad regularly if I can’t roleplay anymore.
          It’s been a good 7 years here on wattpad. Take care and peace out x


@EsTellaToCruElla yes I’ve literally just made an account right this second in case anyone wants to keep rping with me x my username is the same as my user here


@StraySquirrel_ first of all I am sorry for abandoning you, I was going through a pretty bad phase that time, I want to ask do you have discord? I want to stay in touch and RP there because I really enjoyed rping with you even if it was for a very short time. 


Also I’m just putting this out there cos apparently I have to. If you don’t want to continue our rp then for the love of god please tell me rather than just disappearing. It’s really starting to get on my nerves the amount of people who think it’s ok to just stop messaging me with no explanation. So if you don’t want to rp then JUST TELL ME. Thank you