
You know for the first time in this year I slept early at 9.30 pm


@StrawberryFiction4 you absolutely dont sound like a best friend but a one sided lover guy. Oh my gosh! Lmao


@StrawberryFiction4 I know that Miss. And only you can mend your heart! What I'm trying to say is that I'll be there to comfort you when you feel low,hold you when you feel weak, hug you whenever you want (virtually), guide you when you feel lost and help you whenever you want and need. Because you're the only best friend I've got! You've been there for me at my lowest and darkest times. Now it's time for me to be there for you at your lowest and darkest time. 


@StrawberryFiction4 And you know that I'm here for you. I'll lend my whole life to make you feel alright and loved.