
Hey everyone little update first things first I’m working on a second book to post on here in between updates for transformers guardians aka my main story I have the idea and have written a few chapters so far but it’s no where near complete yet. Okay so onto the main announcement I will no longer have a set release schedule for transformers guardians the database will be every week while the updates for guardians will happen whenever a episode is ready. Thanks for reading guardians I hope you enjoy it as I continue working on it. Also episode fifteen will hopefully be out tonight.


In case anyone cares I lost access to this account and this my new account that I will be using to post new stories. On there already is a Darth Vader focused story that is written as if it’s a movie with camera shots and techniques appearing in the text from time to time.


"Hey Optimus! Why did the Chicken Cross the Road?"
          "We will know why the Chicken Crossed the Road Miko. Despite the Risk of being run over by Traffic and Predators on the other side but yet it Persists on its journey to Cross the Road"
          "Whoa...that Chickens my Hero..." 


Hey everyone little update first things first I’m working on a second book to post on here in between updates for transformers guardians aka my main story I have the idea and have written a few chapters so far but it’s no where near complete yet. Okay so onto the main announcement I will no longer have a set release schedule for transformers guardians the database will be every week while the updates for guardians will happen whenever a episode is ready. Thanks for reading guardians I hope you enjoy it as I continue working on it. Also episode fifteen will hopefully be out tonight.


Hello Everyone little announcement both transformers guardian main story and transformers guardian database shall not have updates for a while. I am not done with these stories I just need some time to go back rewrite, fix, and update past chapters it is pretty difficult to continue updating a story that you are trying to rewrite so until I get at least ten to twenty chapters rewritten in the main story both books will not be given any new chapters. Thank you for reading both of those books and I hope you all have a great day.


Hello everyone hope you guys are having a good day. I have a announcement until December 16th or until I improve my grades I will be only be updating one Saturday, Sunday, and Friday except for my character profiles those will continue as usual sense they are very easy and don't take that much time.