
Hi baesss!!
          	New chapter of daylight up now!!
          	I hope y’all will enjoy this chapter


Hi baes
          Chapter two of Daylight (the swifties #1) is up.
          I actually don’t really like this chapter but I can’t really describe why yk?
          Anyway it’s not that long. 
          And sorry for not updating that often, I just haven’t really had any motivation to write, but I will try to update some more


Hi lovely people.
          I was just wondering, do you guys want me to continue the Jatp fanfic? I have this other idea, that is not a fanfic, like my own story. But Idk if you guys want me to stop writing the fanfic and start the story, start the story and write the fanfic or wait with writing the story and finish the fanfic first. It’s up to you