
Hi guys I have overwatch brain rot 


Currently in geometry class, I should be paying attention doe. Oh well, grades are whatever, fictional boys are forever. (THIS IS SATIRE PLEASE DONT TAKE IT SERIOUSLY, ALTHOUGH  I DO SIMP FOR FICTIONAL CHARACTERS )  have a nice day lmao


I promise Im not dead, just taking a small break from writing, I'm gonna finish the story, dont worry guys. 
          I hope you're all doing good and taking care of yourselves during this quarantine :)
          Highschool has been a pain and I havent had the time nor motivation to write, but I hope ya'll are having a good day or night <3


@MASTERcornflake Im a little late on the response but thank you so much! Take care of yourself :)


Take all the time you need! Your story is amazing 10/10 I’m willing to wait for the chapters. Stay safe ( ◠‿◠ )