
The people in the room below me are blasting music and my whole room is shaking. Why must my fellow Sailors be this way? smh.


I am working on a new book, and so far I have three chapters posted. It is a creepypasta based book, but it is not an x reader or oc x creepypasta character book. This is about my character's story, and what happened to her that caused her to be the way that she is now. Also, about how she ended up in slenderman's manor. I don't ship her with anyone at the moment (may change it to Toby, THE ORIGINAL TOBY later, but she needs some character development since she does not trust men due to her trauma. She does not have the mental stability to be in a relationship) If you could, give it a read and tell me what you guys think, so I know if I should keep writing it, or trash it. Thanks guys ✌


Ffs if you aren’t taking care of yourself I’m gonna make you by passive aggressively complimenting you


that’s so great!!! i’m so happy for you :)


@-average-writer I thought you might wanna hear this, idk but, I have moved out and joined the Navy! I'm living on a military base in Florida currently, and have not been speaking with my grandparents recently because we got into an argument. I still talk with my little brother though. 


To the protestors: Hey, I understand what happened to Floyd was terrible, but please, stop tearing down our monuments commemorating our history just because you dont like it, and justify it as an anti racist movement. Dont do that, it is not cool. We are supposed to honor our history, because without it, we wouldn't be the way we are right now. Also, apparently according to the black lives matter folks, if you are black, you are the most important person in the world... unless yo uh are a police officer. HOW DOES THAT MAKE ANY SENSE?!? And also, instead of just 'black lives matter', why not say ALL lives matter? African Americans are not the only minority. There is a Hispanic minority, Native American minority, and yes, white minority. African Americans are not the only people that are suffering. Also, I am pretty sure that if it was a white man that was killed by the police officer, there would not be any protesting going on right now, because a white man dying is not as bad as a black man dying. Sometimes I wish we as a people could learn how to be more colorblind. We need to ignore the fact that some people have a little more pigment in their skin, yes. And racism is a bad thing, it is terrible, but is raising small businesses and beating up our police really going to solve anything? Another thing, just because one cop is corrupt does not mean they all are. Grow up and get over it. Dont steal, and set things on fire and call it 'peaceful protesting' dont do illeagal things in the name of stoping racism. I bet half of the looters aren't even doing it because of what happened to that poor man, it brings dishonor to his family, and all of the respectable protestors that dont pull stunts like this. Please, stop.


@Steven__Universe_ I agree. Why can it not be “All lives matter”? Because some lives matter more than others? Because Black lives, Hispanic lives, colored lives are more important than the lighter skinned lives? Why fight for all black people, but fight against black police officers? I seriously don’t see the logic in that. Why remove black faces from products if all it is is a black face and not a racist representation of it?


@Steven__Universe_ I meant to say "apparently a white man dying is not as bad as a black person dying"