
Its coming together. Avengers Infinity War and Endgame are officially done. Coming soon....


Now with the Punsher 2: War Zone out, you will enjoy a new unvirse that is part of the Walking Dead TELLATE SERIES WHICH MEANS THAT YOU MUST PLAY SEASON 1 AND 2.... There will be an part 3 and 4 but not now. NOW THE SERIES WILL BE CALLED "The Walking Dead: Motion Season: 1"!!!! Now once you read this story...  You must depend on your character bio and survive with the TELLATE Walking Dead characters. SO GET READY SOON OF THIS WALKING DEAD MOTION SEASON: 1 !! Release date of Chapter: 1 is unknown for now. At 66% on Chapter: 1 but expect it on May 2nd or 3rd. Mabye even at April 28th..  Who knowns..... 


          Daken Dark Wolverine: 89%
          Venom: 12%
          Avengers Infinity War: 19%
          X Men Dark Phoenix: 4%
          Bade 3: 99%
          Son Of Batman: 88% 
          Batman Vs Robin:  70%
          Teen Titans: 100.1%
          Teens Titans Vs Justice League: 12%
          Batman Bad Blood: 100%


Hey guys news ready I am starting my new series called The X Reader, it will be about you the readers exploring to learn more of your powers it will mostly feature the X Men, and Wolverine, and later on with the Avengers, it will  start like this.....