
Sometimes it's just obvious that you don't mean as much to someone as you thought you did. Sometimes it takes time to notice. And I don't know which is worse. 


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Okay is ignore this if you are highly religious (as in Christianity) because I am not and there are a lot of things I find... Wrong is not the word I'm looking for but that's what I'm gonna go with cause it makes the most sense. This is just my thinking/a little rant, because it's late and I think about these things. I understand Christianity in case some of you think I'm making up shit. I was raised in a highly religious family so I do know what I'm talking about.
          God and Angels are not supposed to be able to 'control' you in anyway (or maybe influence might be a better word) but somehow the devil can. But the devil is essentially a fallen angel, or in other words a bad angel. He was an Angel at one point and he tried to steal God's spot basically so God 'threw him out' or banished him. Basically what I'm saying is Christians always fear that 'the devil will make them do bad things' or say that someone was 'under the influence of the Devil' when that's can't really be true otherwise that means God could control you, and if he could then why would he allow people to throw their lives away? Why would he allow Depression? Does that mean he /wants/ us to feel bad about everything?
          Again like I said if you don't like this I warned you not to read it but that's just one of the many reasons I don't believe in God or Heaven and all that. Not to say I think I could go around and be a terrible person to people and be a-okay, I believe in Karma or that do good and good will happen to you.  Anyways peace out and uh I hope I don't get hate for this but if I do that's cool as Little Mix sang. "Your words don't mean a thing, I'm not listening" 
          JellyBean XX