
Hi all!
          	I so appreciate the love for The Fire Lords Honor that has been flooding in lately! I am so glad so many fellow Zutarians like it so much. I'm sorry it has been so long since an update. I struggled with how to go on from chapter 67, rewriting half a dozen times. Then I just didn't feel inspired to write for a long time. I now have about 1500 words and a general line for the rest of it. I hope to finish it soon. I have also, on a more personal note, come to the conclusion that I am deeply uncomfortable with having published online unnecessary sexual content. I plan to go through and heavily edit this as well as a few other things I've noticed as I've re read just for flow and grammars sake. I will not be removing the whole story but I will endeavor to make it cleaner. This is not a judgment on anyone else and their writing, just a personal point that I have reached in my faith journey. 
          	Again, I am so thrilled that this has been such a well received fic and I hope you will all love how I've planned to wrap it up. 
          	Thank you all so much and God bless!


Hi all!
          I so appreciate the love for The Fire Lords Honor that has been flooding in lately! I am so glad so many fellow Zutarians like it so much. I'm sorry it has been so long since an update. I struggled with how to go on from chapter 67, rewriting half a dozen times. Then I just didn't feel inspired to write for a long time. I now have about 1500 words and a general line for the rest of it. I hope to finish it soon. I have also, on a more personal note, come to the conclusion that I am deeply uncomfortable with having published online unnecessary sexual content. I plan to go through and heavily edit this as well as a few other things I've noticed as I've re read just for flow and grammars sake. I will not be removing the whole story but I will endeavor to make it cleaner. This is not a judgment on anyone else and their writing, just a personal point that I have reached in my faith journey. 
          Again, I am so thrilled that this has been such a well received fic and I hope you will all love how I've planned to wrap it up. 
          Thank you all so much and God bless!


Thanks for all of your votes and comments. ❤


            I hope to take a look then. 


@BelovedDarkStranger it's a movie about a bad boy who falls for the goody, smart girl. She has a fatal illness but they fall in love anyway.  He helps her do the things she wants to do before she dies. She dies at the end but his life is forever changed for the better. It's so good, but very sad. Mandy Moore stars. 