
What is thought about this crossover book this is all about it.
          	Main character- Gemma Maguire( played by Gemma Owen)
          	She is the wife of Jamie Maguire.
          	The Maguires and the milkovichs are cousins and the maguires have just moved to Chicago in 3 separate houses next to the milkovichs
          	Terry and paddy both know their sons are gay and don’t care and are alto better fathers 
          	Terry and paddy are brothers
          	Mikey from UK will be mainly nicknamed as Mick and Mickey from USA is called Mickey
          	Mandy from Uk will be mandy and Mandy from USA will be Amanda or mands 
          	Chicago fire will be connected as Ian will be working as a medic alongside shay 
          	Karen from UK will be Gemma’s best friend and is a lesbian and Karen from USA will have already left so she won’t be mentioned 
          	The book will start from around season 7-8- when Mickey is in it
          	Since terry is a good dad Svetlanna isn’t in it and mickey doesn’t have a son


@Stephan_Jameslover hey continue the fanfics please update ♥️❤️???


@Stephan_Jameslover hey continue as fanfictions serena Morningstar Lanbonail Parker St John Salvatore pliss continue, continue a fanfiction the story of Santana Bennett pliss continua????


What is thought about this crossover book this is all about it.
          Main character- Gemma Maguire( played by Gemma Owen)
          She is the wife of Jamie Maguire.
          The Maguires and the milkovichs are cousins and the maguires have just moved to Chicago in 3 separate houses next to the milkovichs
          Terry and paddy both know their sons are gay and don’t care and are alto better fathers 
          Terry and paddy are brothers
          Mikey from UK will be mainly nicknamed as Mick and Mickey from USA is called Mickey
          Mandy from Uk will be mandy and Mandy from USA will be Amanda or mands 
          Chicago fire will be connected as Ian will be working as a medic alongside shay 
          Karen from UK will be Gemma’s best friend and is a lesbian and Karen from USA will have already left so she won’t be mentioned 
          The book will start from around season 7-8- when Mickey is in it
          Since terry is a good dad Svetlanna isn’t in it and mickey doesn’t have a son


@Stephan_Jameslover hey continue the fanfics please update ♥️❤️???


@Stephan_Jameslover hey continue as fanfictions serena Morningstar Lanbonail Parker St John Salvatore pliss continue, continue a fanfiction the story of Santana Bennett pliss continua????


To anyone reading my Cullen and a swan book I had edited pictures and it all written out but my laptop has broken and it has all been deleted of the laptop and I cannot find it on iCloud or saved in word on my phone so I’ll have to rewrite and re-edit it all so it will take afew weeks give it take thanks for the patience tho


I’m trying but right now I’m in the middle of revising and doing my mock GCSEs n then I’m on holiday but then I have 7-8 weeks off and it will be done just slowly as I don’t have a computer anymore 


@Stephan_Jameslover hey continue fanfiction Serena Morningstar Lanbonail Parker St John Salvatore pliss continue, continue  fanfiction The Story of Santana Bennett pliss continue fanfictions???


I’m thinking Of a new legacies story where Davina was part of the scooby doo gang and her and kol we’re together when she was going to tell him she was pregnant she caught him kissing another girl she didn’t know and when she went to confront him the next day he and all the mikealsons were all gone. 16 years later he comes back for hope to go to school with his wife Mary-Alice to find his ex and two children. Also she is married to another man. If you have watched love island uk 2022 you will know the twins are going to be Gemma Owen and Jaques O’Neil need feed back to start it or not