
I would like to give formal thanks to: 
          	 For helping me with a certain troll. I hope none of you ever have to go through that and if so that you'll have people to back you up and support you.


@Stellibellistar1124 no problem. That person just had to be told off. Don't worry about some British Brat that as some OCD with your or you're. Their just trying to bring people down. I'm pretty sure their going to hell. They have no heart like you do. They have no support or friends like you do. In the end they just look stupid. So please don't feel bad  for what they said. If that person bothers you just pm me. (Even tho I don't really know you that much but hey I still gottca your back even if I don't know you) Stay strong bye 


@Stellibellistar1124 you're welcome, and if they cone back, then know we have your back. And please don't hesitate to delete their comment


I would like to give formal thanks to: 
           For helping me with a certain troll. I hope none of you ever have to go through that and if so that you'll have people to back you up and support you.


@Stellibellistar1124 no problem. That person just had to be told off. Don't worry about some British Brat that as some OCD with your or you're. Their just trying to bring people down. I'm pretty sure their going to hell. They have no heart like you do. They have no support or friends like you do. In the end they just look stupid. So please don't feel bad  for what they said. If that person bothers you just pm me. (Even tho I don't really know you that much but hey I still gottca your back even if I don't know you) Stay strong bye 


@Stellibellistar1124 you're welcome, and if they cone back, then know we have your back. And please don't hesitate to delete their comment


I've been watch your conversation with that rude perso. I've been some stalking and they've been rude to everyone with each little mistake. I aswell encountered that person. All I can say is don't listen to that person they just have some OCD with writing. 


Hey, you okay?


@Naomilove9091 Yeah. It's just peculiar. I've been bullied before but it was light and I bit back. It hasn't happened since I was in primary school (8 years old) so it's a shock to be bullied again with such force. Which is why I called for help. I've never been one to keep things to myself so I knew when to tell on the people bothering me so they can be dealt with.


Could you update one of your ao3?
          The Hihgschool


It's OK, you can do it whenever you have the time


@ffoodie I am so sorry. I have complete writers block and I haven't found time to do it. Please don't be mad.


Thank you for all the votes? And the comment... your header is gorgeous by the way!


Wow, that's really heartwarming, thanks hon


@Slam_I_Am Thank you. Your oneshots are amazing and I hadnt realised what I was missing before them. 