
I am disappointed in this book as somewhere along the way it took a turn and is not going the way I planned it first. So I'll be reading and editing each chapters first before further updates. I might delete a few chapters if neccessary to avoid the unwanted lagging.
          	I'll make sure to make a note on chapters that wemt through heavy editing after posting. 


@StellarFelix ok autora era isso que eu queria saber, obrigada por me responder e irei aguardar as suas novas edições p começar a reler a obra novamente


@LGMetawin  I will be going through one chapter at a time and for the chapters with heavy editing,I'll post a list of it. Hopefully the editing will be done in 1month or less considering I will have to keep up with my personal life and studies. I'll post a notice as soon as the editing is over.
          	  I'm not sure if this was the information you were looking for but from the translation that's how I figured it out. If I misinterpreted your message,I apologise.


@StellarFelix tá então ele terá edição de capítulos? Quando dá p voltar a ler? A autora vai avisar?


I am disappointed in this book as somewhere along the way it took a turn and is not going the way I planned it first. So I'll be reading and editing each chapters first before further updates. I might delete a few chapters if neccessary to avoid the unwanted lagging.
          I'll make sure to make a note on chapters that wemt through heavy editing after posting. 


@StellarFelix ok autora era isso que eu queria saber, obrigada por me responder e irei aguardar as suas novas edições p começar a reler a obra novamente


@LGMetawin  I will be going through one chapter at a time and for the chapters with heavy editing,I'll post a list of it. Hopefully the editing will be done in 1month or less considering I will have to keep up with my personal life and studies. I'll post a notice as soon as the editing is over.
            I'm not sure if this was the information you were looking for but from the translation that's how I figured it out. If I misinterpreted your message,I apologise.


@StellarFelix tá então ele terá edição de capítulos? Quando dá p voltar a ler? A autora vai avisar?