
I will be using the language of flowers throughout the length of Cast In Shadows, here is the website that I get my references from.


Hello, I am upset to say this but I will be taking a break from A Court Of Ashes And Blood to work on some of my original works instead. I have been struggling with finding how to write my scenes and they always feel so dry and drab. I cannot tell you when I will be back to writing it, but just know that I will at some point finish the story. I do not like to be the kind of person to leave things unfinished.
          Nadiah Dragonway


Hello! This is forever late so I'll keep it brief, but wanted to say I seriously appreciate you following me ❤️ Hope it has been worth it and you've not regretted clicking that button ^.^ Every follow means the world to me ❤️❤️
          - Cross


Hi Nadia! I am really enjoying A Court of Flames and Darkness but in the middle of the book it jumps from chapter 24 to chapter 28. I saw this and wanted to let you know.


@ReinaQueenofhumanity Thanks for the heads up. Should be fixed now.   Have a nice night or day, depending where you are.