
heya everyone, just to inform you guys, my SNK fic "Reborn Over Time" will be posted after my Kuroko No Basket Fanfic "Basketball Delinquent" but dnt worry i'm working on both of them, also thank you for those who read, and who will be reading my SNK FIC (SWEET AND BITTER) THANKS SO MUCH!!!!!!!! God Bless Everyone ^____^


Uwwaaa!! Why did you delete the sequel of your SNK fanfiiiic?? TToTT :(


@OtakuDirectionerNyan  thoygh i planning on making it again


Owwkkaayyy.. That's too bad.. :((


i couldn't update it anymore, something went wrong every time i try to publish a new chapter it won't post so, i deleted it :(


♥ give this heart to everyone you don't want to lose in 2014, including me if you care. Try to collect 15, it's not easy! You have 20 minutes to see what happens in 30 minutes! Be honest and send this to anyone who made you smile this year!
          Thanks for finding me and for the support. i will try to support back as well. Happy new year~!


heya everyone, just to inform you guys, my SNK fic "Reborn Over Time" will be posted after my Kuroko No Basket Fanfic "Basketball Delinquent" but dnt worry i'm working on both of them, also thank you for those who read, and who will be reading my SNK FIC (SWEET AND BITTER) THANKS SO MUCH!!!!!!!! God Bless Everyone ^____^