
Alright, am gonna put up books that will be future projects/works. They will vary in different shows/movies that I would like to have ideas on. 
          	It'll be like a coming soon thing, but will depend on which I want to write on. 
          	Some might come and go, but it'll be a good way for me to remember the story idea I want to have. 


Alright, am gonna put up books that will be future projects/works. They will vary in different shows/movies that I would like to have ideas on. 
          It'll be like a coming soon thing, but will depend on which I want to write on. 
          Some might come and go, but it'll be a good way for me to remember the story idea I want to have. 


Hello... So, I've been really busy with school and stuff and been really stressed from the years. I haven't been really motivate to writting. Before anybody would say it, no it doesn't am going to stop writting for good, I still really want too and theres more fanfictions I want to write or change in the future. I also want to write the best I can so it'll be enjoyable, so thank you for those being patient. God, school have taken the most out of me since covid started. I barely even have time to draw or look for stuff for inspiration or tips. Am most likely going to make a book about all the ideas or stories i want to make, so you know shat might come. Am just sick nd tired of just leaving you guys hanging and waiting, so it'llbe a little something for you guys to look into and give some tips to help. I just hope you guys will ok with that. Anyway, have good day or night and stay tuned.