
I'm back! I will finish that dc superherogirls story.


I was the Ducktales Finale.
          I literally wrote this debbigail book for nothing now. I'm just so confused right now. It was totally fun getting 30-45 notifications writing this book. Honestly shipping Webby with one of the triplets was better than shipping Lincoln Loud with one of his ten sisters.Thank god I didn't full on ship it like I do with Starco and Fluttercord. I won't delete the book it will still be out. I loved the finale. The crew did a great job with this one.


I'm sure gonna miss Ducktales.  I didn't watch the show when it offically came out, I watched it in 2018. I remember I was a Loubby shipper for about 3 day and then I switched to debbigail. And that when I wrote my first debbigail book, I honestly had no clue how to write these characters. I wasn't a full Ducktales fan at the time I just Deweyed it.  Also I  kinda feel like every loubby shipper ends up shipping debbigail later.


We are doing a season four as @MietterRomeno is making a season 4 and she need help if you want to join us you can