
Uh, it's Monday and Ramadan, wish me luck. 


Yeah I could use your blunt personality I seen how you commented about losing brain cells from that one guys first paragraph 


@Zhalia_Riddle I actually used Grammarly so yeah it would seem nothing works


@presidentDrake oh crap... I'm SO sorry. I forgot to read the first chapter again. 


this message may be offensive
@presidentDrake huh... Well, I just read the description of your story and I need to say something from one writer to another.
            Your grammar and punctuation is shit. 
            I can understand that not everyone reads for a living, nor are genius's in English, but please, for everyone's sake, download Grammarly. It's a keyboard grammar checker. It checks your spelling, punctuation, and grammar as you write. It's very useful and I have it. It helps me check any mistakes I make, which is why I always have good grammar. It'll help. So please download it.