Greetings from outer space, Earthling


Preferred Name:


Preferred Pronouns:

Chinese Zodiac(s):
Year of the Dog,
Month of the Ox,
Day of the Sheep,
Hour of the Monkey

Greek Zodiac(s):
Cancer Rising, Capricorn Sun, Taurus Moon (( And more, but I'd like to keep them personal uwu ))

  • Proxima Centauri b
  • DołączyłJanuary 3, 2018


Dzieła autorstwa Taiyagiza
Compatibility ( Zodiac x Zodiac ) autorstwa Starry-Soul
Compatibility ( Zodiac x Zodiac )
A bunch of stories involving (Greek) Zodiac ships! NOTE: The Zodiacs have their personalities based on how I...
ranking #48 w compatibility Zobacz wszystkie rankingi
Random Stuff autorstwa Starry-Soul
Random Stuff
I'll publish stuff here when bored