
Got a math final today, help. Wish me luck. I have Bio and Spanish 2 tomrrow (I have a strong feeling in failing Spanish ahhhhh)


hey girl T~T


@PonyboiCurtisFan it’s okay *sob* I sent you pictures from my last chorus concert :)


My body wants to start my period early but can’t because I’m taking birth control (since I have REALLY REALLY BAD CRAMPS) so I’m just getting cramps and mood swings. I get my period next week when I have my last chorus concert *sob*


@Starlight180_ I hope it isn't too bad for u. Ik I was complaining like two days ago but I barely got it which was weird cuz I had bad cramps for a super long time before today. 
            To conclude, it sucks and I wish you luck 


New story coming out: let me know your thoughts! If you really want to read it I’ll make the first  chapter faster! 
          Alley Violet  has bounced in and out of 10 foster homes in less than a year, after being taken away from her alcoholic mother and abusive father. After the Curtis family applys to have her live with them, to earn some cash and learn who this 16 year old girl who can't seem to stay in a house is,  Alley is sent to live with them 2 hours from her hometown. Being defensive, on-guard, and never trusting anyone, Alley tries to navigate this gang led town of Tulsa,  along with avoiding the 'bad- boy' in the Greaser gang, Dallas Winston. He seems to be the opposite of anything that Alley want's, but after a bond forms from both of their similar father situations, rocky love grows. 
          Dedicated to @fangirlAlleyGrace
          (Also this is a Dallas fanfic, idk if I mentioned it)


Nvm I did, I wrote this a while ago mb


Okay idk if I’ve actually info dumped abt this sooo uhm. I never explained to y’all exactly why I broke up/ got broken up with my bf in April, but here’s a few details if you were interested: 
          1. Just know I’m happier now (that’s a little harsh bc he wasn’t a bad bf in the full picture, but wasn’t the best) but I did have heightened anxiety in the 6 months while we dated (if you didn’t know I have bad generalized and some social anxiety, and take meds for it) 
          2. He said he lost feelings for me (day before he broke up with me) and didn’t give any reasons. 
          3. Told my  bsf that he didn’t want to date me anymore before he even told me.
          4. Uhm he wouldn’t notice when I had period cramps, even if I was right in front of him. My bsf got really really mad at him for this, but uhm yeah he didn’t really notice. Idk what that was abt 
          BUT uhm yeah. There’s a bit abt that. Let me know if you want more details. But just know I’m fine lol, I don’t talk to him anymore, and he knows not to talk to me. 
          ANYWAY!!!! Love you all <3


Randomly bought gifts for my bestie who’s moving after school is over bc I can; if you’re curious I bought her a stuffed animal, and the new PJO book, The Chalice Of The Gods because we share a love of Percy Jackson. 
          School is almost hang in here loves!
          -Stay good!