
Hey guys! Sorry for the sudden absence. I’ve been going through some stuff IRL and it’s kind of extinguished my creative flame for a bit. I promise I’m still working on Pierce the Heart, and that I have the next few chapters planned out, but I can’t really work on them much right now. I’ll be posting the Q&A Answers in the next day or so, but the story will likely return next week. 
          	Sorry again, I hope you guys understand!!


@StarkkeSkye hey there! I hope you're doing ok. I wanted to stop by and say that your health definitely comes first and I think we all understand that, but I also hope you know that your story is loved. If you ever look at what you have and have any thought of it being too long and no one caring anymore, push those thoughts away. I'm only saying this because I get that way and I can imagine others do too. So whenever you're ready, we'll be happily patient. 


@StarkkeSkye It's ok, you should worry about your self first. Looking forward to that chapter


this message may be offensive
@StarkkeSkye ^^ ah shit, that message above is my old account, I didn’t notice i was logged in with that one, anyways, take care of your self first!! Your  health is more important than my entertainment


Hey guys! Sorry for the sudden absence. I’ve been going through some stuff IRL and it’s kind of extinguished my creative flame for a bit. I promise I’m still working on Pierce the Heart, and that I have the next few chapters planned out, but I can’t really work on them much right now. I’ll be posting the Q&A Answers in the next day or so, but the story will likely return next week. 
          Sorry again, I hope you guys understand!!


@StarkkeSkye hey there! I hope you're doing ok. I wanted to stop by and say that your health definitely comes first and I think we all understand that, but I also hope you know that your story is loved. If you ever look at what you have and have any thought of it being too long and no one caring anymore, push those thoughts away. I'm only saying this because I get that way and I can imagine others do too. So whenever you're ready, we'll be happily patient. 


@StarkkeSkye It's ok, you should worry about your self first. Looking forward to that chapter


this message may be offensive
@StarkkeSkye ^^ ah shit, that message above is my old account, I didn’t notice i was logged in with that one, anyways, take care of your self first!! Your  health is more important than my entertainment