
Hello to my Joey Richter obsessed friends (JROFs)! Go follow @AmberleiHobbs! She's such a funny person and she's my best friend! Go read her stories if she has any up yet and welcome her to Wattpad. 
          	I Love All Of My JROFS!!!
          	-Kenzie \o/


Hey gal pals! I need advice! Advice about boys! Lets start from the beginning... On Friday after band class me and my BFF Charlotte head back to homeroom (at my school they make us go back to homeroom before and after lunch, this is about 10 minutes before...) And on the way back we get into this conversation abut this boy that just came to our school from Colorado. His name is James and Charlotte has been complaining about how I haven't talked to him much. And we go to sit down in homeroom and we forgot that he sits right in front of me! So he decides to talk to us. And Charlotte attempted to hint to him that I liked him. It failed and I finally told Charlotte to shut up and some little bell must of went off in his head and he got the point. He asked me if it was true if I liked him loud enough so the person behind him heard him. This person was Katie O'Connor. Sure enough the news spread like wildfire. And at dinner that night we ended up going to this Mexican place down the street. He ended up going to the same one. (Our families) So his parents talked to mine and I just gave him this smile. He spoke to me in the parking lot after dinner and it was really awkward. 
          So any ideas on what I should do? Reply with let's see how bout 2 ideas. And if you want and awkward story about boys you dealt with. In the famous words of Joey Graceffa, may the odds be ever in your favor, goooooodbye!