
Hey guys
          	I know I stopped writing for ages but I need some idea on what to write. Would you like my to continue Attractions Found? Cause I was going to do that and I haven't watch the Creatures to much recently so unaware of their circumstances. 
          	I seem to come back to this site after something poopy happens in my life haha. So if you guys could tell me what you want me to continue I'll try my best! 
          	Thank You 


Hey guys
          I know I stopped writing for ages but I need some idea on what to write. Would you like my to continue Attractions Found? Cause I was going to do that and I haven't watch the Creatures to much recently so unaware of their circumstances. 
          I seem to come back to this site after something poopy happens in my life haha. So if you guys could tell me what you want me to continue I'll try my best! 
          Thank You 


Id love to be friends, feel free to follow me on instagram. My user is _._fuck.off_._, send me a dm or something sometime. Unless you dont have instagram.. well if you dont, just message me sometime? xD


Aww :( how else? 


I sadly do not ;_;


this message may be offensive
Woo it's been a while hasn't it! I've gone through so much shit and just wasn't able to fine the time to write. I'm not gonna lie to you I'm pretty lazy but I plan on writing more! Sorry for the wait I guess, I didn't realize I had this many friends on here! I better get writing!


@Star12222 *find, knew I would mess something up :P