Well, there are three of us! Here's some things you should know:

Shadow: Mostly all you need to know about me is that I am a little insane and that i love a good bloody stake. Basic info, I love to write but I have very little time for it because I'm about to graduate so there is a lot of work to be done. I am the serious one in the group, I'm not a social butterfly but I am very pro info and criticism. As many comments as u can would be very helpful for any and all chapters.

Alex! I'm the girl who is the most fun out of the group! {Lol! Just kidding...or am I? The world may never know!}Just to give you a little tip, I would advise you not to piss me off, because if you do...all hell will unleash on you! And what I mean by hell is that a cup cake will be thrown in your face by a clown! Oh, the horror! Hmm, What is something you would want to know? Well, I'm a freshmen in High school, but not the lame kind! I'm the kick ass one! I love to write! I do it when I have time, at school, at home, in a car, even when I'm asleep! I want to be published author one day and I'm trying to become published on Amazon. I love my friends to death and will not hesitate to kill you if you hurt them. I can be really nice once you get to know me! I have a main account on here where I write my own stories. It's called: Storyofmylife5. All my contact info is on there. Peace out!

{Carly} I'll just say a few things about me. I'm blonde, brown eyed, and I love to write! It's my passion, and my life. I love the water too. I like to read and draw. I'm shy at first, but once you get to know me, I'm freaking nuts and it's hard to get me to stop talking. I'm a believer in all things supernatural. I'm a sophomore in high school. I love to sing, but I have horrible stage fright. OH and I believe in magic. My other accounts are: Stankybugz (which is mine alone) and StankyRose (which I'm sharing with my best friend). My account on Instagram is: caarly_morgaan. Lates! :p
  • Somewhere only we know!! ;)
  • JoinedFebruary 27, 2014