
Thank you everyone that is sending us these quotes. They are very supportive and wonderful and I can't express my gratitude enough for them! Thank you guys soooo much! 


"Be strong now it will get better, it might be stormy now but it can rain forever"
          "Blowing out someone else's flame won't make youres any brighter"
          "They insult you because they are insecure of something they are lacking"
          "Don't ruin other peoples happiness,just because you can't find you're own"


"Opinions are like assholes, everybody's got one." - My 7th grade english teacher, Nicole Lestage
          This isnt really about bulliying but sometimes people bully you verbally. I hope this helps and fits the criteria of quotes about bulliying :)


I have a couple others:
          "Don't worry about those who talk behind your back, they're behind you for a reason."
          "Find happiness in all of the little things in life. Like how the sunrise paints colors across the sky. Or how the flowers bloom after every harsh winter snow. Or how the birds chirp after they return home. It may be a harsh winter right now, but spring will always come. No matter how long winter seems to drone on, spring always comes back with more colors and beauty than ever before."


Calling me ugly doesn't make you any prettier
          Calling me dumb won't make you any smarter 
          Calling me weak won't make you any stronger 
          Calling me fake won't make you real
          Calling me mean won't male you nice
          Calling me nerdy won't make you popular
          Calling me weird won't make you cool
          Calling me gay won't make you straight, so why bother? 
          -Nikki Smith 


Thank you so much. 


@Lady_Tyche I love it! I'll add it ~Nadia


A few quotes that I made up for you! ^^
          "The hater is one kind of person: the person who wants to be you."
          "If you could look up into the night sky, what would you notice? The stars, right? But in between the light is darkness, right? Empty space and shadows. But the stars keep on shining, despite all the darkness around them. It's the same for people. You have to keep shining, no matter what."


@Crimson-Blitz Awesome! I'll add them to the book after class. 