
this message may be offensive
On more mother fucker hurts one more of our friends and I swear to god we’ll go to fucking jail


Welcome to the show, ladies gents and thems! It’s a bumpy ride and one you’re sure to never /probably you probably will/ forget! 
          Nothing in particular other than us taking over the rest of the system’s socials! We want chaos /and bloodshed but apparently that isn’t allowed/ and confusion! So here’s to a new beginning! 
          We’re soooo glad to have you on this ride with us! /we’re absolutely t h r i l l e d/ 
          Here’s the socials we plan to reek havoc on:
          Instagram: w1lt3d_fl0w3r
          Reddit: Viktor_Is_Skrungly
          And of course Wattpad!
          We hope you enjoy this if you so choose to follow! 
          Enjoy the show! /or don’t, we don’t care/


this message may be offensive
Note to selves: don’t look up different stages of human decay. Shit is creepy as hell-


            You poor thing, we’re so sorry. Safe to say we won’t do that again-


@N0R5K1_AND_T0M33B34R so that's how you can find pictures of literal corpses on Google without turning off safe search-


Been RP starter! Trigger Warnings: Crying, Selfharm, self doubt, thoughts of su*c*de
          (Btw, I’m Roman, and it begins before after Selfishness vs Selflessness Redux, so spoilers if you haven’t seen it)
          “Heh, right..” I say, sinking down and out of the video. The last thing I needed was for Janus to confirm Thomas lying to me. I should’ve known. 
          Hero’s don’t consistently make fun of people. They don’t throw insulting nicknames around (even if that is how I show my love) 
          Maybe he’s right. Maybe I am the same as Remus. But I was supposed to be Thomas’s passion! His inspiration! His Hero! Am I really none of that? Do I truly mean that little to him? ‘Yes’ the voice says ‘you always have’
          A chocked sob leaves me as I tremble, walking up the stairs to go to my room, trying to muffle my sobs as I pass Virgil’s room. 
          Once I’m in mine I lock the door I fall to my knees, gripping my head with one hand and muffling my cries with the other. ‘Hurt yourself! It’s fun!’ ‘No, hurt yourself because you deserve to know what it’s like when you say those things to them!’ I whimper and go over to my bedside table. I take out the razors and remove the top part of my uniform and my dress pants, leaving me in only my boxers. The razor is soon tearing my skin to shreds as I cut with reckless abandon. I am not worried about bleeding out, sides cant die, Thomas would just have a creative block until I wake up after gaining enough energy to be available. ‘Not that he’d care’ I think as the blood dripping from my arms puts me in a trance and splatters wherever it lands ‘if I jumped, would I do that?’