
Aviso que no creo poder hacer los easy lyrics del próximo álbum de BTS porque mi celular murió. Voy a intentar solucionarlo lo más pronto posible, pero no prometo tener las canciones a tiempo como de costumbre. u.u


@ Srta_YoonLy  Ok ;) ♥


@ YoonLyEsReal  no te preocupes, aun asi gracias por informarnos, aunque creo que solo van a estar en ingles las canciones


@ YoonLyEsReal   okk


Hello!! I'm a really fan of your easy romanised lyrics of BTS so can you please do it for Yet to come, For Youth and My You of Jungkook please please... Your romanised lyrics are too good to memorize and pronounce at one go Hope you'll do it!


Hi, Amy here
          Check out my new story A BTS fanfiction,  
          The next level love story where Love wins over the preset rules and regulations. This intriguing romance between unlikely elements, a mortal human being whose life is nothing above normal, and Death himself. Will they be able to save their love by overcoming all obstacles is the key element of the story. 
          Park Jimin has the face of a God. Why not make him the God of Death? Regal and mischievous. But he is not the regular Death who drains all colours out, but the one who knows what love is. He even falls in love and would do anything to protect his love from being destroyed by what we call as the law of nature.