
Should I post some random things I have been working on?


I feel like I should give up writing The Assassin’s Heart. I don't feel good enough to write it. I'm sorry, I just feel like it's trash.


Nonsense! That has to be my favorite story of yours to date! I think all the characters are great, and that it would such a waste to leave it incomplete.


@Spring_Campbell I know my opinion doesn't amount to much but I really like it! I like where it is going and how it has progressed.


Yo, so you know how I'm posting two stories everyone day (trying to at least). So...what would you think if I add another one to the pile? This might mean that the update schedule is different. (Though I wasn't really that consistent in the first place.) What do you think?


I'd love to read another of your books. I want to make another of mine (Words Between A Portal has kind of fallen through, but meh). I just cannot think of any good ideas for books.


Shalom Seedlings,
          What inspires you to write?


For me, inspiration strikes whenever it does, and then leaves just as quickly, and is replaced with motivation and procrastination. When this happens I constantly think about “ending it all” (not my death, but just stop writing altogether). People drive me to write more, and when nobody says anything, I'm just depressed. I'm a sucker for numbers, so when I can see that the numbers are going down, that also makes me feel like a crap writer. There are also better writers around me that make me feel like “what the heck am I even doing here, trying to write a book?”. This has gotten to be more of a rant than anything else, but yeah.


A lot of things inspire me to write. For my fanfiction, I have to get really obsessed to have the motivation to write a fanfiction. Bu for normal stories like my Gemstone Hunters series it’s the characters and just my everyday life or random things on the internet that inspire me. I guess people’s reactions to my writing inscribe me. I can see them laugh or cry or just react to it and that’s so cool. I write so other people can enjoy my writing, though I don't have a lot of readers it’s still fun nonetheless.


Shalom Seedlings,
          What is something that you want(ed) to pursue, by fear keeps you from chasing?


Probably doing things like making friends/talking to people. I want to have a friend group and people that talk to me because they like me and WANT to talk to me (like, they go out of their way to have conversations with me). But it has just been hard. I am not social at all, and yet I expect someone to just come up to me and start talking to me and BOOM, insist on connection/friendship. I don't know if this will ever come, but I just hate being so lonely and depressed about being alone all the time.


@Spring_Campbell Actually trying at things. I grew up as a "gifted" kid so around 6th grade I completely stopped trying at pretty much anything, aiming for simply passing. If something was tedious, I wouldn't do it, everything felt like busy work so I would slip by on test scores alone. You get the gist. This year I have slowly begun trying again. Basically, my fear was not living up to standards.


For a long time, it has been show choir but this year I decided to audition for one. We will see if I make it.