
this message may be offensive
Hello fellow minor on this app! I'm honestly assuming you're a minor by your bio if you're not then my bad. Honestly though people always announcing who they dislike way to often. Like no body needs to know that but you so respectfully shut the fuck up. Also how's Satan? You said you're on his lap ( that must be fun *smirks* ) so I would just like to know some things before hand because I believe in the after life but I dont if I'm going to hell. I'm just trying to be prepared you feel me? 


@Spooky_hoe yeah i know someone really needs to get Satan some chocolate cake or something to get him out of that terrible mood 


@Bi_Myself1 I indeed am a minor so hello fellow minor. and Satan's alright kinda in a pissy mood today but yk it's Satan sooooo 