
Never Forget the lives lost today fifteen years before at the hands of people who cannot accept a person's choice to be an individual.


I found out today that singer Selena Gomez has recently come out about her having a disease called lupus. I just want to say that I have the same exact disease, and I have went through chemotherapy just like her. After two and a half years of treatment, I'm back to normal. Selena, keep your head up, because that gives you a head start on your path to recovery.
          ---> SoL <---


Working on Branches of Our Tree...The good news is that I think I've slipped out of my writer's block! It was a nasty case of it, to tell you the truth.
          The bad news? I haven't finished the next chapter yet. But now that I've got ideas for it, I've been writing nonstop to complete it. Hopefully, it's long enough for all my readers.
          ---> SoL <---