
          	So, I just signed this up for adoption, anyone want it?


Hey, you know a guy called SoulCrusher137? He and I have been speaking on there and Discord about me joining you guys in writing that DOOM react fic you guys are cooking up. Was wondering if you have somewhere where all three of us can communicate. You know, for ease of communication and to prevent miscommunications and bloating of writing.


On second thought, perhaps there is, I’m gonna ask Soul if he can invite me to join his Discord


Not really, this is the best I can speak with. Sorry for not responding before


Hi, thanks for following me, english is not my first language and maybe my story might be difficult to read (it's in spanish), I don't watch rwby but I still enjoy the stories made by the community


Although I got a question which version of Ruby's fall to darkness is the current one? Rose of light and darkness or the villain arc? Like one is a remake of the other or they're just separate stories?


Hey, you’re welcome, and its fine :)


Willing to help with stories and maybe do crossovers between ours:
          The idea has been flooding my mind of just uploading what I've already done to Wattpad and then maybe to Fanfiction.net... before that, maybe I should offer the possibility of "crossovering" (is that even a word?) some of our stuff... I'm not the fastest writer, but I tend to put quality above quantity... So who knows... Buddy.


I’d like that alot, thanks :)


Villain Ruby (AU or in Canon)?:
          I know I'm already making a story about Villain Ruby in Rose of Light and Dark and Volume 9, but the concept of Ruby as a villain has become something of an obsession to me.
          In stories I read, Ruby as a villain is either a sadistic and psychopathic murder, a heartless criminal mastermind, a role swapped villain with either Roman or Cinder, an anti-heroic rogue character, a tragic soul fallen to darkness, betrayed and seeking revenge, or just a brainwashed servant of Salem or Cinder.
          So, I'd like to hear what you guys think is a good concept for Ruby as a villain of her own choice, whether in canon, or a different universe. Not a anti-hero or vigilante. No brainwashing either, sorry if that's a buzzkill, but that seems to be an obvious choice you guys would go for.
          This also goes for anyone making a story about Ruby as a villain (Minus me, obviously XD) or willing to use inspirations of other V Ruby stories.
          Drawing inspiration of other fictional characters that are villains or descend into villainy is also allowed.
          This will also include backstories and how your ideas of Ruby becomes a villain, how'd she become a villain, and why she became a villain. As well as what her motivations should be and what kind of villain would you be going for, and how much of a threat she would be to the cast.
          Also, if you guys don't mind also explaining what your villain Ruby looks like for your ideas, I'd like to hear it, for I am a curious man when it comes to designs.
          With that out of the way, go wild.


That's actually an interesting idea and I'd like to see a story about that


@Spider-Blood What about this. This is inspired by Red Thorn in a way and the Tormented Prodigy. Ruby faces issues at Beacon because she's the student that got in early and first years or few second years are butt hurt about it, there is also Tai and Qrow doesn't want Ruby to go down the path of a huntress because of Summer that they don't see Ruby as Ruby but just miniature version of Summer that they try to ruin Ruby's dream, and Ruby faces the stress of studies she skipped out for getting into Beacon two years early that much like in the Tormented Prodigy she is replaced by Weiss who acts like her volume 1 self before her development, endures taunts from students at how Ruby failed to keep her position as leader that eventually Ruby is expelled for something caused by Tai and Qrow that perhaps on the way home Salem learned of Ruby and sent a new kind of Grimm to attack Ruby only what it did is merged with her, bringing all of Ruby's anger and negativity that Ruby goes through a Grimmification that she looks like Salem with the bleached pale skin, bleached hair with blood red tips, red eyes and black sclera, and dark purple veins. Ruby even grows dark Nevermore wings (inspired by One-Winged Angel) and she can conjure a shadowy Hound that looks like The Hound, inspired from Hellsing Alucard and it manifests from her own shadow. Perhaps Ruby powers up by getting a Maiden's power, learns some martial arts like karate just like Hoodwinked Red Riding Hood. Ruby also reforges Crescent Rose to be capable of shifting into a big blade like Zangetsu or Devil Arm Sparda style,  Kusarigama dual-wielding style like from Bleach: Kazeshini, and dual pistols.
            Ruby's motivation is perhaps to kill Salem because of Summer, but also making those that betray her pay by showing what they have wrought onto Remnant. Ruby is against her former friends, Ozpin, and Salem's forces and creates her own army of Grimm. It's not much but its something I suppose. I'll leave you to judge.