
Hey, are you alright? 
          I had read some of the messages that people commented on for you and noticed that you weren't responding. I know it's weird feeling worried and concerned for people you didn't meet or know, but hey *shrugs* that's how I am!!!! <3
          I love your story, they are really amazing. You have such a creative mind, even though you forget things, don't worry your not the only one who forgets things. But I am also concern if your okay and safe. 
          So are you alright? Did something bad happened? Are you healthy for where you are? You safe? Are you resting and eating healthy? Did someone made you sad or depressed? 
          I know I know that I'm asking to much question but I'm worried to death that something has happened to you!!!!!! I don't care if your a stranger (actually I never cared about that.) ARE YOU ALRIGHT!!!!!!?????


Really like your books on your old account so when you can, can you transfer some of them to this account pls?


Lol and same to you :)


@Animeknowledge If I have them then of course! This account will update the old ones. I'm planning on re posting when there's a new chapter update so I don't get reported for stealing other's works XD
            Take care!