
I am officially moving over to A03 I’ll put my name in my bio


Dear Readers,
               Do you ever just sit in your room at the end or the side of your bed right as you wake up and don’t move? Cuz I do that. 
               Do you ever not pay attention in class because you're too busy thinking about stories in your head? I do it too, you're not alone.
               If you cry for no reason- you're not alone! It happens to me too! Just know that if people ask you why you're crying, there’s not always an answer, everyone’s different! 
               Always know that you are special and your not alone you probably have wonderful people out there that love you for who you are and if the people your hanging out with don’t like your for who you are you should find new friends because there is so little time in school that you don’t want to waste your time with people who don’t like you.
          — —
          From your lovely writer Bones


Hiiiiiii! For the peeps at school how was your day? Mine was not good at all! <3 I cried for 15 minutes straight for no absolute reason! It was great! But other than that I had a bunch of homework I had to finish! 
          Hope your day went well!


Ok so sorry ahead of time… I was just looking at my Pinterest right- I got some good Techno fanart… then I got to the “So Long Nerd’s” and “Technoblade Out” fanart and I started to cry so as im writing this im like balling my eyes out and I can’t get him out of my head.
          Techno was my comfort streamer (along with Jschlatt and Ranboo). Rest well king