
Hey everyone, I would like to apologize for my absence! I have been really busy over the past year with both school and my own mental health along with some family passing away and some other personal matter, I had to take a break from updating my books since I couldn’t find time or the energy to update any of them. I promise I will be updating some of my books like the Obey Me headcanon book and maybe a few other books now that I have both the motivation and time to do so. Again I’m so sorry for my absence for the past year and I promise I will try to be as active as I possibly can and get some more updates out on my book!


Hey everyone, I would like to apologize for my absence! I have been really busy over the past year with both school and my own mental health along with some family passing away and some other personal matter, I had to take a break from updating my books since I couldn’t find time or the energy to update any of them. I promise I will be updating some of my books like the Obey Me headcanon book and maybe a few other books now that I have both the motivation and time to do so. Again I’m so sorry for my absence for the past year and I promise I will try to be as active as I possibly can and get some more updates out on my book!


I would like to apologize for the lack of books being updated, My mother had Covid just a week ago and now my brother has Covid and on top of all that I have been trying to get my grades up to a passing grade Instead of F’s. I will be updating books all throughout the summer whenever I have free time but I’ll try to get a schedule for all the books out so you guys know the days I will update. If you guys wish to follow my other socials I’ll link my linktree to my account so you guys can follow them if you wish. I’m thinking on starting up a writing Twitter where I just write short stories for people. I hope you all are having a good day/afternoon/night and if you aren’t, I hope it gets better.


I’m sorry for not updating any books, all of my books are put on a temporary hiatus until school ends because I am severely behind in homework and am getting really stressed out. I might update every now and then but it’ll probably be very few and far behind.


Hi, everyone. So sorry for having no updates for any of my books, I’ve been stressed with school and I’ve been really sick these last few weeks. 
          I hope you all are having a good day/afternoon/night!
          1. Did you drink enough water today? If not, please drink some water.
          2. Did you eat anything today? If no, go get yourself a snack, you deserve it.
          3. Did you get your homework done? If not, that’s okay just make sure to get it done before it’s due and don’t stress yourself out.
          You are an amazing person and I believe you can make it through the day! I’m glad you were able to get up and begin you day! I hope your day gets better from here and don’t burn yourself out.


Y’all idk what to do but I’m trying out for a one act play that’s led by a student and it’s called anybody for tea and it’s about old murderess’s who want a cute homicide detective to come over to their house and so they kill someone and I really want to get the part of the girl who’s like morticia adams but I doubt I will. Anyways.
          I hope you all are having a good day/afternoon/night!
          1. Did you drink enough water today? If not, please drink some water
          2. Did you eat anything today? If not, go get yourself a snack, you deserve it.
          3. Did you get your homework done? If not, that’s okay just make sure to get it done before it due and don’t stress yourself out!
          You are an amazing person and I believe you can make it through the day! I’m glad you were able to get up and begin your day! I hope it gets even better from here and that you don’t burn yourself out.


Bro these updates with my book and keeping up with my homework is ✨stressful✨ But I’m managing but I’m not so haply because I had to go to the orthodontist and found out I need an expander on top of top and bottom braces with rubber bands and idk when I have to get them and I’m gonna kill myself before then also I got flashed by Juliet’s breasts in Romeo and Juliet without warning because my teacher told me about Romeos butt being shown but not Juliet’s chest and I gay panicked during the rest of class.


Ahhh, I’m so sorry with the slow updates! I had an orthodontist appointment today and I am severally falling behind in Algerbra, Honors English, and Science so I’ve been trying to get those done and also trying to finish an animation for TikTok. The next chapter of The Nightguard will be posted either tonight or sometime this week when I get the time to finish it. I, again, sincerely apologize for the slow updates, I’m trying to figure out a better schedule. -Onyx