
Perfect Machine chapter 9 officially released.
          	Took me almost a month to finish writing it. I was 75% done like 2 weeks ago but it didn't feel giod enough to post. But now it feels bareable.


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I swear I thought I was hallucinating... i hear it raining, which is typical for May. Sometimes Canada still has snow so no problem. But then im hearing the rain coming down harshly and im seeing tiny little pellets and my brain functioned to thinking just snow... till i looked closer and saw it was hail!
          Then i heard a crack of thunder- NOW This may seem typical ANYWHERE ELSE thats not the Canadian prairies.... no no no
          In Canada or in my province we dont get fucking Thunderstorms and Hail at the begging of MAY. Wtf! Thats such a rare occurance here its like winning a lottery and thats saying something. 


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Its a good day when you sit in a drive through, to buy your drinks and coffee and you go to pay and they say your drinks are free the person in front of you paid for your drinks! and the person in front of the other person in front of the that person... a literal train pay it forwards. Sometimes a pick me up is spending a few extra dollars to make someones shit day be a netter day. So i did the same i ddint care the cost and paid for the person behind me. 


@SoulTracker when I was working at McDonald's in Florida that actually happened when I was one that took the orders at the window I had literally eight people in a row pay it forward one morning I was like constantly telling them oh by the way the person in front of you just paid your bill you're good to go like eight different people obviously insane and then whenever a cop came through the drive-through to have his morning coffee or morning breakfast I always paid for it myself out of pocket because you know they're probably the one people that will always get overlooked when it comes to that kind of thing and they're the ones that are getting up early in the morning and staying out late at night to keep us safe I always wanted to give back to them not all cops are bad some of them are really nice and really care about people and put all they can into their jobs risking their own lives for us never knowing if they're going to get to go home everyday and every night if I can get back to them just a tiny bit while working at a fast food place while I did I wish I could have done more


Sorry to all my Soulies,
          I regret to inform you I may not be able to get updates out fast for awhile... I strained my hand recently  and then today while I was out grocery shopping, I slipped on ice and landed on the same hand. 
          Must have been Karma.... sorry lovelies. I'll try to post this weekend but no promises.


@SoulTracker it's okay okay. Take your time to rest, relax and heal. Get better soon  and may you be blessed. Take your time (⁠。⁠♡⁠‿⁠♡⁠。⁠)


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not me getting pissed off with flight agencies... ffs... how hard is it to fix a fuck up. 
          somehow the company put my middle name as my first name.... they put Jessica as my middle name...... which is hyphenated and they put the last half of the hyphen (LEE) in my fucking last name....
          Like how stupid can you get and now I'm stuck waiting up to two weeks for your guys' stupidity to get back to me.... all I wanted to do was officially book my flight to see my bestie MOON!