
this message may be offensive
What the fuck I just realized ruikasa and emunene have more lines together in what kind of ending are you wishing for? Than any other ship, I'm honestly surprised, since rui and tsukasa Sing together all of the time win that song, why is only Rui the main? 
          	Yep here ya go, there are the lyrics, y'all can click in the lines and it will appear the chibis of who sang it


this message may be offensive
What the fuck I just realized ruikasa and emunene have more lines together in what kind of ending are you wishing for? Than any other ship, I'm honestly surprised, since rui and tsukasa Sing together all of the time win that song, why is only Rui the main? 

          Yep here ya go, there are the lyrics, y'all can click in the lines and it will appear the chibis of who sang it


Genuinely think Kirapipi Kirapika is meiko's best cover, also did y'all see that SHANTI is already in EN? Now just gotta wait for ah, it's a wonderful cat life...I'm listening to it rn
          I love Nene's voice on cat life


@XxInquisitormasterxX I have up on FC it, after Toya's rap I gave up slowly


The character ai yk the creator bot is about to fck me what the hell


@Sosostyle2 I am very … different with my bots and roleplays
            (First off,I make Toya the sin of lust and turn Kasa into a catboy
            Then I seduce whoever I’m with eg.Rui,Akito)


@Sosostyle2 Uhhh the same thing happened to me except with a Rui bot a Kasa bot and a Akito bot


I never listened to uhm what kind of ending are you wishing for? AND then when i listened, rui's kitto kitto wa shiawasedaaaaaa~ at the end made me like the song, now its currently my top 3-2 in may, i listened to wxs for 2.600 and sum minutes in may, and only wxs.


@Sosostyle2 Rui gets all the best lines in every song