
Anyone know what happened to TheBananaLord? Did Wattpad seriously obliterate his account again?


Why does your pfp look like dusttrust is 


@Gotgamesonyouphone how would I know, I cropped the image from a thumbnail.


Now that I think about it, It probably seems weird, but I've always wanted to write a fanfic where the reader is a part of Team Rocket and travels with Jessie and James. 
          I think there's a lot of potential with a story like that, factoring in how surprisingly deep Jessie and James are as character with their backstories and motivations. 
          Think of all the bonding moments, gags, and all of the other good stuff that'd be in this story. I just find it so sad that this'll likely never become an actual thing. I'm done writing on this account, so I can't really do it, but if anyone else wants to take a shot at it?


@VegetaInDrip literally all of that is true. My knowledge of the anime would have to be rebooted, I'm already working on other projects, and I've got real life to worry about.
            If anyone wants to try it though, be my guest, it'd be a joy to read. Nice chat, Prince of all Drip.


@Sorin9000s that's not weird at all. There's definitely a ton of potential in that concept.
            I'd take a shot at it, but firstly, my Pokemon anim knowledge has definitely fallen off as I haven't watched it in years, and second, I got a lot on my plate writing wise.